Thursday, August 27, 2009

Didn't let ruin my desire

The huge stone beside the main junction of the road stood still against Mother of Land.What else can the stone do?

Occured in 1996, i met with an accident.Straight away blown my bicycle to a moped vehicle.It was the first ride on my new bicycle. I could see some reverse engineering happening to my dearest bicycle. Some of the bicycle parts became unbridled, front rim bent and tyre punctured.The atmosphere around was infallible.
I didnt know what to do.What exactly do you think to tell your parents when something like this occurs during your tender ages?Nothing.There was nothing i could tell them except the truth and in return some nice, good, sweet, little words. :)

The law of attraction holds very much true.I was attracted by the weird look of that stone and went unnoticed about vehicles opposite to me.

I was worried whether i could get my bicycle back this time to participate in the cycle race.Somehow convinced my dad, repaired and got it back.Without looking back headed straight to school.It was around 9 o clock in the morning, soon after the prayers cycle race event was announced to enroll thier names.The race was at 10 o clock.

PT Teacher asked : "Do you also wanna participate in this race?"

"Ofcourse yes".I replied.

PT Teacher said : "Well, thats nice to hear?"

"Thank You" I said

PT Teacher: "okay then, Have you understood the rules and requirements"

"Yes" I just nodded.

Clock was ticking closer to start the race.Many of my school mates participated.All looking at each other's bicycles.Some had cycles of Hero,Atlas and few BSA SLR. The bicycle i had was the gents Hero Hansa. Its a kind of BSA cycle with a bar. The track starts with a stretch of mud for 300 meters, leading to tar road of 400 meters and finally a small stretch of 150 meters with few Jelly stones on mud.After the end of each stretches we had to take right turn and finally reach back to starting point.

The race started. The only desire i had in my heart was to win.Initially, it was difficult to pick up speed on a muddy stretch. When i took a right turn and reached the tar road, i was very much groping to forward.When i looked behind, other mates were almost 50 meters away.I had used this opportunity and again pedalled too fast.Within no time i was on the Jelly track.It was very horrible.Need to balance cycle with the speed i was on. Since my bicycle had thin tyres i was not worried about that.
Surprisingly,i reached the starting point before others and won the event.
Happily went back to class and narrated about the event to my class mates.They were happy to hear.
Class teacher was happy.Back home, all were happy.


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